On Saturday our yard was finished! can you believe how fast that was?! Jeremy went out of town on Monday and there was NOTHING and by Friday when he got home, it was nearly finished. Our workers were pretty much the bomb. they brought in an army!
Here are some pics for ya!
I really love it at night/evening when the lights come on! such a HUGE difference lighting makes! these pictures suck but you get the idea:
The boys were BEYOND excited for the yard! unfortunately, they can't play on the grass for 2 weeks. well, of course we had to let them, just once! i'm not a monster.
naked bum!!!
i don't think our neighbors have hardly seen my kids fully clothed. i seem to always catch the neighbors when my kids are half-naked. when they are fully clothed, we don't see a soul.
on sunday we went to our first ever professional football game! took the boys with us and had a riot! do you believe me? no? well, then you know me well. it sucked! the first 10 minutes were bearable but then i had the opportunity of chasing luke around for the next 3 quarters. we gave seth the iPad to play with so he was golden. the free food was a life saver, but i got the feeling that the other people in the room were non too pleased with luke putting his wee little fingers in every popcorn cup! and i'm sure the stinky diaper left in the bathroom was just icing on the cake for them all. paying for a babysitter next time will definitely be worth it.
we secretly cheered the 49ers
always in motion
sweetest face ever!
oh the innocence in his face
oh hell, and the walk back was HORRIBLE! jeremy had the pleasure of carrying TWO crying boys about a mile in 93 degree heat to the car. good times.
it was perfect timing for jeremy and i to go out of town... destination: bear river. man, it was gorgeous, too. i should have taken more pictures, but meh. jeremy went for a work retreat and i went to help the woman who planned it. i got gifts ready for each day to drop off in everyone's rooms. that was fun! i felt like santa! a pregnant santa who bring work-related branded gifts. yes, maybe a lesser santa, but a santa nonetheless. i also helped with meals, cleanup, etc, i get to actually PLAN the next retreat! also, getting ready to plan the christmas party! just need to find a good place to do it. ideas?
my room! i had it all. to. my. self. i didn't even room with jeremy, though i wish i would have cause i got scared/paranoid at night!
well played, trappers cabin. well played.
some team building games. that is jeremy's boss (aka Martin Short)
Jer had a bad string of luck. couldn't guess "Vet Office" or "Book Store"
last night i came home, even though i could have stayed another night. i just missed my boys!!!! so today, we play and catch up! Seth is working on the potty training HARD CORE! Thanks momma for the jump start to (hopefully) the final round of trying to get this done! pee is good... poo, we still have issues.
After writing the name of the post, i realize that seth has a strawberry fields forever shirt that i didn't have him wear to the farm! what was i thinking?! how perfect would that little photo op have been. alas, to be honest, i didn't really know we would be spending the majority of the time picking strawberries or that we would be picking berries at all, for that matter. we went to an earthworms and soil day camp yesterday and there ended up being more strawberry picking and less earthworm playing. it was nice since i was able to get lukey in the class, too!
we started out by taking a hay ride to the strawberry patch.
each child had a 1/2 pint container to pick and fill with strawberries. i VERY QUICKLY learned that we were not dressed for the occasion properly. mainly, our shoe choice was very poor. they both wore closed-toe sandals, but knee socks and sneakers would have been a MUCH better choice! there were a gazillion stickers and pricklies -- my auto-correct is telling me that "pricklies" is not a word, but i am adamant that it is. i ended up trying to carry both boys with the backpack on, whilst trying to keep the strawberries they had picked from falling. between that and the fact that i left the sim card to my camera in my computer at home, i was pretty bugged that first 1/2 hour or so.
once i found an aisle of strawberries with minimal pokies and got over the fact that i was going to have to use my phone for pictures, i began to have a lot of fun!
it kind of became a competition between all of the kids moms who could get the best strawberries! i felt victorious when on the ride back other moms looked at our strawberries and said "wow, those are big! where did you find those?!" triumph! .... yep folks, that's how i get my kicks. i felt like i earned those big red strawberries, too!
back at the farm house, they had little activities set up. seth got to get some lettuce seeds and plant them in a muddy ball of soil to take home and plant.... which reminds me, we need to do that.
luke just wanted to play in the mud and play with chickens. ALL of the kids were terrified of the chickens, roosters, and turkeys but lukey was ecstatic to see them! i mean, kind of obsessed. the teacher there told the kids "don't worry, i have never ever seen a chicken or a rooster attack anyone. they just attack each other". i kindly chose not to tell them about our dear friend Joe Pesci the rooster... RIP.
We also went to a room where they watched a video on soil and worms. did you know that it takes 400 years to make ONE INCH of top soil?! well, now you do. i'm sure you were aching to know that.
They also got to play in a big tub of soil and earth worms! luke was both excited and scared. lots of screaming from everyone. seth was just uninterested until i started bringing the worms to him, then he got super duper squirmish!
well, we came home and had a lovely lunch of strawberries. seth, who usually will not even try them, was so excited to eat the strawberries that he had picked. luke took one bite and spit it out. meh, more for me. they were the best strawberries i had ever had and i am sure it has nothing to do for all the blood, sweat, and tears that went into picking them. there were literally all three of those things!
the rest of the day was spend indoors. lots of coloring on giant paper our neighbor gave us.
also, lots and lots of MICRO MACHINES! i swear, if i step on one more of those damn things i am going to throw them all away! or, if one more child steps on one and starts crying i am going to freak. i kind of have a love/hate relationship with them... yes, the micro machines. they keep the boys entertained for hours but there are always tears.
we also had a fun time watching the workers on the yard! yes, we got approval! the only thing is i need to change 2 trees in the back because apparently having a 40 foot tree would be "bad". any suggestions on smaller shade trees that grow quickly. i need to get on that asap!
thanks luke. nice touch!
"i veeeeery patient, mom"
the cement is poured and stamped. i think today they are going to stain it. it's coming along SO nicely! hoping we will have a yard by the weekend!!!!
future fire pit location
well folks, that is all.... I'm sure just the grandparents are reading by now :) love you guys!